Who are The Bible Students?

The Bible Students are an independent, non-denominational Christian fellowship, similar in organization to the Church during the lives of the Apostles. Each local congregation is totally independent, there being no central headquarters, and no central authority except for that of our Lord Jesus and the Apostles. 

Congregations of Bible Students may be found throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, and are bound together based on the Lord’s Law of Love, without the need of an earthly organization. The servants or ministers are chosen by each individual congregation to serve the needs of that congregation. These servants are selected on an annual basis, based on the scriptural qualifications provided by the Apostles (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1). Servants selected serve on the basis of love for the brethren, and do not receive monetary compensation for their services. (1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7) 

The individual congregations of Bible Students do not take collections. All expenses of each congregation are met by unsolicited voluntary contributions, as was the custom in the early Church. We trust in the Lord that if funds are required, then they will be provided through His providence. 

The congregations of the Bible Students traditionally meet in private homes, as was the custom of the early Church. Larger congregations of Bible Students often rent facilities for meeting together, rather than spend the Lord’s money on earthly edifices. 

What We Believe

We accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, and recognize that he died not only for Christians, but for the whole world (1 Timothy 2:5,6; 4:10; John 3:16; 1 John 2:2). The Bible testimony is that Jesus died a Ransom for all mankind, and that this salvation is not universal, but for all those willing to receive Christ when that opportunity is given them (1 Timothy 2:4-6; Romans 10:11,12; Acts 3:22-23). Accepting the Bible as the inspired Word of God, we therefore accept the scriptural testimony to the effect that there are two salvations indicated there: salvation for all, and a special salvation for believers of the present time (1 Tim. 4:10). We understand that the present time is the time for the selection of the Church, which is the Body of Christ (Romans 8:14-17). And that the future time of blessing the world of mankind with an earthly kingdom, and the restitution of all things, will soon be upon us (Acts 15:15-17; Isaiah 65:21-25; Acts 3:19-21). 

We accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God and study it in its entirety, seeking the harmony of the complete Scriptural testimony (2 Timothy 3:16,17). We believe that a topical study of the Bible is the most beneficial means of understanding God’s Word, and use a variety of study aids as helps to that end, in our weekly study meetings. Realizing that the Christian’s development is not complete without a sincere reverence for God and acknowledgment of his care over us, we also hold monthly meetings whose focus is more of a devotional kind, with opportunity provided for sharing personal experiences of God’s providential care in our daily lives.

We encourage all who seek to serve God in the present time to a personal consecration of their all to God, accepting the trials and sufferings that come to them daily as not worthy of comparison with the joys and glories to come. (Romans 12:1,2; 8:17-19 & 22-23; 2 Timothy 2:11,12)

Visit Us

Meadow Creek Business Center

22525 SE 64th Pl

Issaquah, WA 98027

Sunday: 9:30AM–12:30PM
